Caring For Your Beloved Animal Companions For A Lifetime
My commitment to, and love for, animals, dates back to my hours spent, at age 7, mezmerized by the words and pictures of the dog, cat, and horse entries of the 1973 World Book Encyclopedia – in between loving on, caring for, and talking to everything from pet fish to gerbils to cats to birds to dogs (and wondering for hours at every manner of wild creature, large and small, I came across). At the time, daydreaming of what I wanted to be “when I grew up,” I knew that it would involve animals and the outdoors (probably calling it ranching or farming back then). In any case, I already felt a spiritual bond with animals, and a need to have them in my life for my own happiness and completeness.
Fast forward to now – an M.A. in English from FSU and a mortgage under my belt! – 30 years into pet sitting (500,000+ miles driven!), and years spent with dozens of my own rescued animal companions of all species, including 25 years of wolf-hybrid and German Shepherd rescue and companionship. I am more committed than ever to the work that I do. Also, I am aware of the need for in home pet care and the stress relief it provides for pet and owner/guardian (and how much this is appreciated by them). Also aware of how blessed I am to spend my days with the most noble of creatures. It could certainly be argued that my commitment and dedication to animals – the erratic schedule and personal sacrifices involved in their care – is not for everyone; human relationships can and do sometimes suffer in the balance… but it has been, and will always be, worth it, as they are my family!

Ready to book Craig for a sitting?